Short Film Ideas

General: I intend on making most of my short film without dialogue and focusing the sound on music (potentially written) and sound effects in order to make the visuals the most important feature in telling the story.
Music ideas developed from films such as The Swimmer and Meshes in The Afternoon where music added to the moods that the stories were creating. Connect also influences these sound choices as music and sound effects were used to develop the experiences of the main character without any dialogue. This links to the film Swimmer as no clear dialogue was used and in the opening scene, I really liked how only ambient sound effects of nature and birds were used without dialogue or even music to create meaning

I’m trying to focus on ideas that aren’t “too” cliché or lack imagination but aren’t too complicated by trying to keep them as simple as possible.

For editing I have not yet decided but it is likely I will use continuing for ideas such as Idea 3 and Non-continuing at points for idea 1 or 2.

I would rather focus on the cinematographic aspects rather than dialogue (while still including aspects of sound). My main ideas stem from The Swimmer and Curfew. In the Swimmer, a close up show of his expression with a blurred out background were used to emphasis the visuals and I intend to use this shot on either my character or mise-en-scene objects. In Curfew, there were a lot of 1 person medium shots used that helped to focus on the character while not completely disregarding their surroundings, therefore, I also intend on using shits like this to establish character (development?) while including how their surroundings create meaning.

Idea 1: an enigma starts on an object (not sure what yet) and then the film shows it going through another plot, how it’s origins started and how it ended up where it is - showing the value of something small in a bigger story (which I’m also not sure what yet). Would use mainly music and maybe some background asynchronous dialogue or sound effects. Editing would probably be non-continuity and obvious. Even something as simple as a coin going through a journey of a day/life or something (kind of ideas like the When The Day Breaks ending). May even have character development if it focuses on 1 main person.

Idea 2: linking the top idea to a musician - like the coin thing, an act of charity that someone gives to a busker and then shows the journey of this coin?? How it continues to reach out

Idea 3: someone leaving home and getting out of society - showing the process of why they leave (maybe stress or unhappiness) and where they go (probs end on a beach or somewhere in a nature like spot ?? just to suggest that they are away)


  1. Rob Here.

    I like the idea about the journey of the coin but it needs some development. The coin's journey needs to be about something so what will the theme of your story be?


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